T H E   D E R E L I C T   M I S C E L L A N Y

R e f l e c t i o n s   o n   f o r g o t t e n   a n d   a b a n d o n e d   s p a c e s
{locations by type} {locations by county} {locations a-z} {autojumble} {miscellany} {retrospective '04-'14} {about} {FB}


The Derelict Miscellany was founded in 2004 to showcase the beauty and history of derelict buildings and other redundant and liminal spaces.
To me, visiting a place is only half of the fun. I love researching the history of abandoned places: bringing to light long-forgotten chapters and obscure references, poring over old maps and trawling through boxes of old records.

About Me

I was born in the late '80s in Sussex and spent most of my childhood there: my first experience of derelict buildings was at Ewhurst Brickworks around 1995. At the time, the works were largely untouched, with coats still hanging up in the canteen, the last load of bricks still in the kilns and machinery slowly rusting into the ground - I remember finding the way nature was taking over fascinating and wanted to capture and preserve it in some way. In 2004, I discovered digital photography and after frequenting a few 'urban exploration' websites, began writing the Derelict Miscellany that November. Since then, I have worked with universities, archives, television producers, artists, non-profit organisations and national monuments records to raise the profile of buildings at risk and improve the records which exist about them.

You can contact me at derelictmisc*AT*gmail.com replacing *AT* with @, or via Facebook


Derelict buildings are dangerous and rarely open to the public - for obvious reasons, I do not recommend any reader attempt to access buildings that are in a state of disrepair or off limits, and will not be held responsible for any loss or injury incurred by persons ignoring this warning.

A full disclaimer can be found here.


Although every effort is made to ensure that the information herein is accurate, that can't always be guaranteed. This is an amateur website and I fund its upkeep with my own time and money. Please respect my rights as writer and artist by not using my photos without permission or my text without due credit. If you'd like to discuss using my material, please use the contact page.


Thanks are due to Messrs. B. A. Gregory, M.P. Baines, A. Thoms, T. Nadim, A. Knightley, S. A. Cullen, A. A. Harris and C. R. Ward, Tpr. F. J. L. Osborn, Pte. C. Mayne and Misses R. Barnwell and K. Debansi for help with field visits.
Special thanks are due to Mr. A. A. Harris for help with transfer and expertise and to Miss R. F. Flook for help and advice.
The Derelict Miscellany is hosted by 1&1.co.uk on Linux-based servers powered solely by renewable energy.

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The Derelict Miscellany: website and all content © D. A. Gregory unless stated to be otherwise.