Mid-Wales Hospital: Concise Bibliography
Anon, "Brecon and Radnor County Asylum, Talgarth" [http://midwalescountylunaticasylum.fotopic.net/], 2009.
Bourn, J., "The Disposal of the Mid Wales Hospital" National Audit Office for Wales, 2002
Counties of Brecon and Radnor, "Description of Asylum at Talgarth and Souvenir of Official Opening", Brecon: Times Printing Works, 1903. reproduced at [http://midwalescountylunaticasylum.fotopic.net/c1802991.html]
Cracknell, P., "Breconshire and Radnorshire Joint Asylum", [http://www.countyasylums.com/mentalasylums/midwales01.htm], 2005
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